Summer is always an interesting time on San Francisco Food Tours
Everything comes into season, from seasonal vegetables to seafood and more. Our meals start changing to incorporate all of the summer foods and the foods on out the stops on our tours starts to take on a real summer feeing to them. And, of course, it??s hard to beat a summer in San Francisco, from beautiful sites to lots of things to do.
For the rest of the country, summer can be a time of vacation. A time to sit back and enjoy what is around. The challenge is to look beyond our own community and see what is happening beyond our own backyard. For example, in South Sudan, there is major famine. While we in California are over our drought, many parts of the world are anything but that. A major part of the world does not have clean water or enough food to eat. Even when we are having the Best San Francisco Food Tours, we try to constantly remind ourselves about the lack of water and food that faces major parts of our world.
The question comes to what we can do about it. We can become the voice of others who either cannot speak or whom no one is listening to. When we hear our elected officials talk about something makes us better, we can ask how does affect others on our community, our state, our country, and our world. It??s easy to shut ourselves from others, but if we do, then if we do, what does that say about us as people. How can feel good about ourselves if we ignore the plight of others. We do not think we can ignore others and feel good about ourselves. And, it is up all of to be voice for others.